Monday, September 15, 2008

A Mother's Love

When I was a little girl, I remember telling my mom when she would tuck me in at night, "But Mommy, I'm hungry!" Did she forget to feed me dinner? No....I probably got a bedtime snack! She would say, "Go to sleep, Jenn! You're not hungry." I would moan and groan, but lay there, like the complacent, good girl I :o) Then, about 10 minutes would go by, and I would see my door crack open. In walked my mom, with a couple pieces of popcorn in her hand. She would silently hand them to me, smile, and walk out.

This is something I've done with Emily. That girl can smell popcorn from a mile away. I'll sneak in her room and give her some, and leave.....standing outside her door to make sure she didn't choke on it (Hmm, I'll have to ask my mom if that's what she did). Tonight, after the girls were in bed, I popped a mini-bag of popcorn. I peeked at the monitor and saw that Savannah was asleep, but Emily was still tossing and turning (it stinks to have a 2 year old bedtime, but Vannah won't go to bed without her!) I cracked open the door, and two little heads popped up (so much for the little one being asleep). I walked in, and Emily, with arms in the air in triumph, said, "I KNEW IT!!"

I silently handed one to each, smiled and walked out. Then went to the monitor to make sure my sleepy little ones didn't choke.

Thanks, Mom, for showing me in these little ways how much you loved me, so that I can pass on these ways to my girls. I love you!


Kacey Bode said...

Awww, what a sweet story!! What a complacent girl you WERE : ) It's so hard for me to imagine Savannah sleeping in a big girl bed, I think I'm keeping Ella in the crib till shes 18, HA! Miss you all. Love you.

Kacey Bode said...

PS, love the new blog look!

Elaine said...

Hey Jenn,
I love the new background to your blog. What a great thing to have a special tradition; we have a few of our own.

Jennifer said...

Did Elaine just comment on my blog??? GASP!!!! ha ha Love you!!!

Ben and Kristi Yefremov said...

You are such a good mommy! I love reading your posts! I really do like the backdrop of your blog now! Did you create that all by yourself?

Jennifer said...

HA! No, I didn't create that. I went to and used one of her free backgrounds. Thanks for the compliments! I love for people to comment on my blogs!!!!