Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Update From Dad

Well, Here We Go Again!! The follow up visit with Linda’s primary doctor late Monday afternoon ended in Room 236 at Wayne Memorial Hospital. It is impossible to give all the details that led to this decision. The bottom line, something had to be done (we knew that Saturday when we spent 6 hours in the ER) and the hospital seemed to be the best place to get the care that was needed. When she was admitted Monday night, we expected to face surgery to repair the hole in her stomach which had not healed after the removal of the G-tube.

NOTHING was done Monday night! NOTHING seemed to be getting done Tuesday morning. The surgeon came by the room around 8:30 AM and didn’t appear to be very familiar with her case. We lingered in a state of bewilderment most of the morning and early afternoon trying to find someone who would tell us what plan of treatment would be followed while in the hospital. Finally, about 2 PM a doctor came by to discuss with us “the plan.” Surgery will be considered as a last resort. The doctors want to give the body (we say ‘the Lord’) a few days, Friday or Saturday, to heal itself. She has been taken off everything by mouth except some ice chips during the day. She gets all her nutrition and medication by IV. Late yesterday afternoon a PICC line was put in place to accommodate all the “stuff” her body needs. There has been continuous, at times 3 different bags, of antibiotics being put in her system. The surgeon ordered a “wound nurse” to come by to look and treat the hole in her stomach. She “plugged” the hole with some type of sponge/gauze looking stuff and put thick cream on the irritated skin around the wound. Linda didn’t ONE TIME complain about the wound hurting the rest of the day or during the night. WHY IN THE WORLD DIDN’T ONE OF THE THREE DOCTORS SHE HAS VISITED SINCE LAST FRIDAY DO THIS FOR HER I’LL NEVER KNOW. Linda slept very well last night and woke up this morning looking and feeling well rested. I asked how she felt and she responded, “Fifty times better.” PRAISE!! Another blessing – her voice is much stronger. No apparent reason – “BUT GOD…..” She would like to try swallowing but the doctor has her on “nothing by mouth” status. So, we’ll see what happens during the next few days.

Thanks again to all of you for praying. Yesterday was a real battle for me as I saw the pain she was in and no one doing anything about helping her. I know you are praying for me as well as Linda. Pray also for Linda’s mom. She seems to be doing well, but I know she worries about Linda and she doesn’t understand the full extent of what is going on.

I have been staying at the hospital with Linda as much as possible. I can use my computer and access to the internet but for some reason I can’t send/receive email through Outlook. So, I have established a gmail account at so you may be receiving some updates from that address during the next few days.

Please pray that the Lord would see fit to spare her the need for surgery. “His Will Be Done.”

Keep Looking Up,

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