Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Update From The Home Front

This will probably be the last update that I will post from my dad. The main prayer request now is just for mom to gain strength. If you want updates on mom and the ministry, be sure to send your e-mail address to my dad. He supplied the address at the bottom of the update. I can't tell you how much of an encouragement all of you have been to me. To see the comments from my close friends, and blog friends have been amazing and encouraging. I love you all!!

These two days at home have been fine for Linda. She is eating, drinking and Praising the Lord to be HOME. There have been some adjustments but her wound is looking good and healing nicely. It does hurt but nothing like having a surgery wound. The home health nurse changed the dressing yesterday and I changed it today. She has very little drainage and hardly any redness around the wound. It's just going to take time and the Lord's hand upon her for complete recovery.

Jennifer has been a BIG help to us. Having the laughter of our GRAND-girls, Emily and Savannah, around the house has been good therapy and a joy for Linda. We sure appreciate Jennifer and Brian taking time out of their lives and making a way for Jennifer to come by our sides during this time of need.

Today I began to wade through the pile of paperwork on my desk. I knew I was in trouble when I looked at my calendar above my desk and it was still showing August. I found mail that was received in August and if yours was one of those letters, I'm sorry for getting behind.

Our pastor and wife brought in a nice meal Monday and our pastor and one of the men from the church cut the grass for me. We sure do appreciate all the support we have received from our 2 supporting churches here in Goldsboro. We want ALL of you to know how much we appreciate your prayers and words of encouragement during this time of sickness. Thank you for bringing us often before the Throne of Grace.

If you would like to keep receiving e-mail updates on Linda as well as the ministry, and you are not already on my e-mail list, please e-mail me at this address.


I will continue to use email for prayer requests and keeping in touch. Soon I hope to have some updated news pertaining to the ministry as we get back to the job God has called us to do.

Keep Looking Up,


1 comment:

Kacey Bode said...

I'm so glad that things are looking up!! I'm sure having the girls around has really helped everyones spirit!!! Love to you all!