Anyway, I wanted to be home for Emily's Thursday piano lesson, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen (Liesl, did you get that?). I've already missed one, and I hate to miss another,but she has years of lessons ahead of her. SO, I guess we'll be home sometime Thursday evening.
We've been incredibly busy here. The first week, I spent cleaning, organizing, laundering, and cooking. My poor dad had bills stacked so high on his desk he didn't even know where to start! He knew he was in trouble when his desk calendar still said August. He needed to eat too! He had lost over 10 pounds and didn't even know it! I took a "rest" over the weekend at my mom's insistence, and it seems like I can't get caught up since!! My dad and I cleaned the deck to try to get rid of some of the allergens that have been bothering the girls. Their skin is pretty broken out, but Emily's only had to use her inhaler once, so that's good!! Emily has been helping me clean. :o)

Emily got to go to a ceramic place today and paint some projects with my friend Keren. Keren is a very talented artist, and she enjoys Emily's enthusiasm for art. Thank you,Keren! It was so sweet of you to spend your day off with her!! I enjoyed the quiet house. :o)

Mom went to her primary care doctor today for a check up. He was very pleased with the way her wound looked, and how under control her diabetes is. He was able to take her off of some meds, and change some meds that had been giving her fits. So, things are going well. She is up moving around more, and able to do some things around the house. I feel confident in leaving her this time. I worry about my dad, but hopefully he can handle it all. :o)
I guess that's about it. Sarah and I are going to stop in Alabama and see some friends from Messiah (the Coopers). I'm hoping we can have lunch with them. We are going to take the trip home a little more slowly than the trip here. The kids miss their daddies, and me and Sarah do too. They miss us a LOT! :o) Hope you all are having a good week!! It's almost the weekend!! Yay!
It feels good to be missed!
What a blessing you have been to your parents. I'm glad to hear such positive updates for your mom. That's wonderful!!
Mike lived in Altanta the year before we started dating. We went back there to visit the people he knew and he took me to the Coke Museum. It was fun! He bought me a coke that was in the old fashion glass bottle. I loved it so much I planned to keep it. He didn't know I wanted to keep it and he threw his empty gum wrapper inside it. I kept it anyways. :o) are coming home! I miss you guys sooo much. We are way behind on our study. We are going to have to kick it up a notch to finish it before Shannon moves away. Ugh...let's not talk about that. Anyway, I can't wait to see you and Sarah both. Drive carefully and enjoy your last few days with your folks. Love ya, Tracy
NO! My wording was bad. I meant that I'm stupid for paying when I knew I wouldn't be home!
Hey Jenn! It's Wednesday, hope that you are having a good trip home to TX! I miss reading your blog and seeing pictures of the girls. I know, I need to update mine with some new pictures, hopefully soon.
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