Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I love Thanksgiving. I love the food, the football, the family and friends. But, most of all, I love to spend time reflecting on what the Lord has given me and my family. I would like to give you a "thankful list". I'm sure I'll have pictures tomorrow to post of our celebration. I hope all of you take time to really thank the Lord for what HE has provided for you. For everything you have is from Him and Him alone.

1. My salvation and the salvation of my husband and little girl.
2. My family. My wonderful husband who understands me like no one else. My two precious little girls. My mom and dad who are our close friends.
3. My friends. I have some good me.
4. My church. We may be small, but we are growing spiritually more than a lot of bigger churches that I've been to.
5. My possessions. I thank the Lord every night for my warm house that He has provided for my babies to sleep in.

I'm sure the list could go on and on, but these are my top 5. What are yours?


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