Sunday, November 16, 2008

Look! We're a Family Again!

This is what Emily said to us on Friday as we walked into a store a family. And then, this morning, she said it again as we walked out the door to church. You see, because of ear infections, pneumonia, and skin issues, we haven't been OUT together as a family in a long time. Brian and I tag team to church, Wal-Mart, Commissary...anywhere we need to go so the girls can stay in. Today, they were all healthy and skin was good enough for us to all go to church!! It was SO nice to sit in church together and worship the Lord and praise Him for the healing He brought to our family. Here are some pictures of the girls in their first winter outfits they were able to wear to church. I took twenty-one pictures of them, and this is the best I could do. They were NOT cooperating.

I intentionally left the red in Savannah's eyes! She looks like she's killing something with her laser beam.


Tory said...

#2 is my favorite since Savannah is posing like a Charlie's Angel! ;) The girls are both so cute.

Ben and Kristi Yefremov said...

They are so adorable in their Sunday best! Glad that you were ALL able to make it to church.

Kristen said...

Awww..what sweethearts. And what a cute comment about being a family again. I enjoy the simple perspective of a child.

The laser beam comment made me laugh.