Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

We had a good day. Three years ago, we spent Christmas with Brian's family. The last two years, we've been with my family. This year, it was just us. Sigh. It was nice, but the grandparents were greatly missed.

The girls had so many presents that we split them up. They opened most of them this morning, and then some after dinner. It was nice that way. Our favorite gifts were, Brian: The Dark Knight (movie), Jenn: My Willow Tree Nativity set, Emily: Her Doctor kit and coat, Savannah: tie between her new pacis and all the candy!!

After an afternoon walk with Emily's birthday bike and Savannah's new tricycle (it was 71 degrees today), we had the Shines over for Jesus' birthday cake. It was yummy. Now, the girls are bathed, eating popcorn, and ready for bed. I am ready for quiet. The noise level on Christmas is about 10 decibels above a normal day.

So, tomorrow, we pull down all the Christmas decorations and get the house in order so we can get organized for Brian's deployment. Pray for us. We told Emily that he is leaving. She took it well....not sure if she realizes what's going on. Now that Christmas is over, I have time to think about the time of separation, and it slightly panics me. We're enjoying our time together.

I hope you had a Merry Christmas and took time to remember the true meaning. When I tried to remind Emily of the importance of Christmas, she said, "Mom, I know that Christmas is about Jesus being born, but I am excited about my presents!" Point taken. :)

Emily found the pickle, and thus was allowed to open the first present. I had never heard of this, but evidently it's a well known tradition. My friend, Sarah, gave us the pickle a couple years ago.

Emily and her Dr. Kit and Coat

Savannah's new tricycle

The girls with their princess dolls.

On our walk!


Ben and Kristi Yefremov said...

Hey Jenn, sounds like you guys had a great Christmas! We did too. It was quiet for us too. Kenton & Kurt were at there wives family's for this Christmas so it was just us at mom and dads. It was still fun though, but nothing like the whole family getting together to celebrate Christmas.

Unknown said...

You guys do the pickle, yeah I had never heard of that either but one of my friends from school does it