Monday, December 1, 2008

A Rant

This has nothing to do with much of anything. I don't know who shares my feelings, but I need to vent, and it's my blog. HA!

Why can't little girls be little girls, anymore? I've been shopping quite a bit in the last few days, and do you know what I see?? I see Hannah Montana everywhere. I see bikini panties for little girls. I see off the shoulder dresses and spaghetti strapped tank tops (those were on the clearance rack, since it's winter). WHY WHY WHY?????

As I was doing Emily's hair on Sunday, I had the thought, "She's getting so big, but in this dress, and with her hair like this, she still looks like a little girl." Praise the Lord!!!! When did we stop wanting little girls to stay innocent and start letting them dress like teenagers, watch things that involve teenager situations, and act like teenagers??

Small disclaimer. I've never seen Hannah Montana. I did some reading about it, though. Did you know that her audience at her concerts is age 6-10? SIX??? Are you serious?? Who lets their six year old go to any concert, much less a rock concert. Ok, so I did read that compared to Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan and others that Miley Cyrus is innocent and sweet. Someone once told me (I think it was my pastor, but I can't really remember) that we don't compare ourselves to other people, we compare ourselves to Christ. How innocent and sweet is she compared to Christ?

Anyway, I guess that's all I have to say. Surely I'm not the only one out there that gets irritated while shopping for their daughters. Let's keep our little girls little!!! They can be cute and chic without being skanky, right???


Liesl said...


Shannon said...

YES! This is one of my HUGEST pet peeves, and it can make clothes shopping a real pain. I don't even want my TEENAGERS (when they are teens) dressing that way or following those influences, let alone my 5 and 6 year olds. Sheesh!
Good post!

Tracy said...

Yes, Jennifer, I'm frustrated right along with you. If it's not Hannah's High School Musical or something else...all on little girl's clothes, not to mention their toys. Ugh! Shopping for them is difficult at best.

Kacey Bode said...

Hannah Montana is not too bad. I have already adopted the NO HOOCHIE clothes policy for Ella : )

Miss ya, love ya!

Ben and Kristi Yefremov said...

You go girl! I completely agree!

Unknown said...