Saturday, December 6, 2008

Round Two!!!

Here we are with our second round of sickness for the winter. This one is NOT fun. Well, not that being sick is EVER fun, but this is the stomach flu, and that is especially not fun. Savannah had the 24 hour version. Emily is 12 hours into her (hopefully) 24 hour bug. Brian and I are praying that we don't get it at all.

We are also in the flurry of birthday and Christmas excitement. Emily's birthday is Tuesday. She was sick last year for her birthday, so we're hoping that she gets over this quickly. I get to go shopping today for her birthday present, and I'm so excited. We are getting the Christmas packages together to mail to family. It's that time of year where the excitement doesn't stop!! Right now, we need to get through the bug.....then back to excitement!!

1 comment:

Ben and Kristi Yefremov said...

Will be praying for Emily that she gets over the bug today! Happy Birthday Emily!