Friday, December 19, 2008

Yay, Brian!!!

Brian had a fitness test yesterday and he passed it with flying colors!! Speaking of flying, he ran just under an eight minute mile. He said that's the fastest he's ever run. Pretty good for an old man. :) For the last three months, he has eaten nothing but salads for lunch and dinner, and a protein shake for breakfast. He's worked out at least 2 hours every weekday. He lost almost 40 pounds and 6.5 inches off his waist!!! I am SO proud of his discipline and what he's accomplished!!! Here are before and after pictures.

This was at the beginning of September

This is now!


Shannon said...

YAY! Go Brian!!

Ben and Kristi Yefremov said...

He looks great! I wish I could have that much discipline!

Liesl said...

amazing. i couldn't live on that diet--like where's the chocolate :-)

Kacey Bode said...

Yay Brian is right!! Great job, wanna give me some of your motivation : )