Saturday, January 10, 2009

Heart Tests

I had my stress tests on Thursday. There isn't much to report about them. The echo cardiogram looked neat to me! The stress test was effective. My heart rate had to get to 162, and it did, eventually. I had to wear a halter monitor for 24 hours. Let me just tell you how uncomfortable they are. These sticky things that they put on your are SO itchy!! I think I accidentally pulled off two of the wire thingies in the middle of the night. I'm not sure if I dreamed that or not. Anyway, I guess they'll tell me when I take it back. I was so happy to take that thing off yesterday.

I go back to my Primary Dr. on Wednesday, to discuss more blood work. Then, I go back to the cardiologist for the results from the stress tests on the 21st. Thanks for your continued prayers!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Busy days you have. That's enough to cause stress!

I pray for good news!