Saturday, February 21, 2009

Monkey Business

Ok, really it's just Monkey Bread, but that was a less exciting title. We had a good breakfast this morning at home thanks to Emily. She made Monkey Bread. She had a little help, but it was very little. :) Also, I wanted to post some pictures of Savannah's face. She looks amazing. I told a friend of mine one time, in a moment of pity, "Why can't my baby's face be smooth like a baby's face is supposed to be?" Well, Tracy, this morning, my hand cupped her cheek, and it felt like a baby's cheek is supposed to feel. Thanks for the prayers, girl. :)

Shake Shake Shake

Savannah gettin' in on the action.

The Results

It must have been good!!!

My pretty girl!!

I know there are so many people that love me and Savannah that have been praying for her skin. I appreciate it more than you know. A lot of you may ask, "What caused it to clear up?" The answer to that is ____________ I have absolutely no idea. I am praising God for the reprieve HE has given us for now, and hope I can control her for a while.


Kristen said...

Savannah's skin does look amazing!! What a happy day!! I pray that it continues and it is never an issue again!!

That monkey bread looks so good! I want some! :o)

Ben and Kristi Yefremov said...

She looks great! I'll keep praying that is will stay that way and get even better. That bread looks delicious. Can she come cook for me!!!

Tracy said...

Can you tell that I'm behind on my blog reading? Savannah is so beautiful and she looks fabulous. Yes, I specifically remember you asking that question and I'm praising God with you for what He has done, even if it is only a reprieve. I will keep praying. God is good...all the time! Love you and miss you, Tracy