Isaiah 55:8
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
Matthew 21:22
And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.
The other Scripture passage is too long to post. It's a lot of the first part of Exodus. Pharaoh's heart was so hardened by the plagues that he wasn't about to let the children of Israel leave. BUT GOD. He hardened Pharaoh's heart so that all the people would know that it was GOD that let them go, not a man.
I can't begin to tell you how the Lord worked yesterday. The only way I know to do it is to give you a play by play of the day. Several of you have asked for that, anyway, so I'll just do it that way.
The day started not so good. I was doing my morning reading when I heard a "Ya-hooooooo" That's my instant messenger popping up. It was Sarah...."Call me when you get up." Oh no. I got my phone, and she had sent a text saying that Bradey was very sick, and she couldn't go with me. I'll be honest...I panicked. I cried....hard. I argued with God. I told Him that I didn't understand why He was asking me to take on so much by myself. I already didn't have my husband, I didn't understand why I couldn't catch a break! (Some of you may be wondering what the big deal was. Well, Oklahoma City is over 2 hours away. It's 2 hours of flat nothingness. It is a hard drive...especially when you're tired, and alone. Also, Savannah's appointment was right in the middle of naptime, and I was counting on Sarah to entertain her while I talked to the dr.) Then, as I was straitening my hair, the thought came into my head, "My ways are not your ways." OK, Lord, point's going to be ok.
So, I did the little things that I needed to do that were stressing me out because I waited until last minute, and left with plenty of time to spare. I took Emily to Tracy's house. She was SO excited...Emily, not necessarily Tracy. ha ha I was SO thankful to Tracy! I don't think I could have done it if I had had Emily, too.
Thanks to Sarah, I had a DVD player in the car, and Savannah watched Little Einsteins all the way up there. She was very happy. I found the place very easily and went to go eat some lunch, then back for the appointment.
The nurses were SO nice. They took her weight, height (she is in the 23rd percentile for height! Emily is always below the growth chart) and led us to the room. Dr. Bozalis and a medical student came in and made friends with Savannah for a few minutes and then took us to his office to get all the details. He asked me a LOT of questions.
He also told me this, "When I look at her, it's like looking at my son 40 years ago." Most of you don't know, but that is an absolute direct answer to prayer. My Bible Study ladies were praying that this Dr would have a compassion for Savannah, and he did...he really did.
OK, so he told me after asking a thousand questions that he wanted to do both skin prick testing and blood tests. He told me they would be excruciating for her, but I told him that her every day life was excruciating. So back to the room we went. I quickly texted Tracy and Sarah and said, "About to do skin testing...pray!"
The nurse came in carrying 4 huge trays of skin pricker thingies. She put down a piece of paper that had all these food circled on them. They were the foods that I told the dr she ate. I was looking at it, and saw all these other foods that I wanted her tested for. I asked the nurse if she would test those, too. And she said Yes! Again, another direct answer to prayer. I didn't want her tested for the 5 biggest food problems. I wanted her tested for specific foods. So, she was pricked 38 times. Savannah was amazing. After every prick, she would look at me and say, "But, Mommy!" She shed about 4 tears when the lady had to leave and go get beef and chicken. She thought she was done, and when the nurse walked back in, she wasn't happy. She fells asleep for about 5 minutes, and then was happy again.
Then came the blood tests. She inherited her Papa and Mommy's veins and they tried twice and couldn't get anything. I was holding her down, and she was screaming her head off. It's the first time she's ever had to get blood drawn. They couldn't get a vein, so her Dr. said we'd wait on that for a couple months. He asked if it was inconvenient for me to have to come back up there, and I told him I would carry her there if I had to. :)
They went in to read the scratch tests. The only thing she showed any allergy to at all (including cats and dogs!) was grass, trees, and peanuts. Peanuts? Really? Dr. Bozalis then said, "I have never seen a child not scream with the skin test...she's amazing." I told him, "You have no idea how many people are praying for me right now."
This is kinda what the skin test thing looked like.
So, here's our game plan. He told me to remove all peanut products from the home. He told me to keep chocolate away from her. He also wants me to stop all her vitamin supplements. He said this isn't for forever. Just 10 days. We'll see if it helps. He called this morning and said her mucous test showed no allergies in her nose. So that's good. Hopefully she won't have the respiratory problems that Emily has. He said to call him in 10 days and tell him how she was looking, and to come back in April for her blood tests.
I got out of the office right as the rest of Oklahoma City got out of work. I made my way over to the Cheesecake Factory to take home a small slice of heaven. We were stuck in rush hour traffic for quite some time. Savannah fell asleep within 10 minutes of being in the car. I gave her a dose of her "itchy medicine" and her face looked better within the hour. AND! This is the best part. She slept through the night! I slept for 9 1/2 hours STRAIT last night!!! She has been waking up itching almost every hour for the last week. Praise the Lord!!
Thank you all so much for praying. Here are some pictures of her big day.
Still happy and waiting in the waiting room.
This is all what her arms looked like. The red on the top left is the histamine that they put into her. That one was just to show that her body would react to the tests. The elbow and wrist is just her eczema. You can't see the peanut reaction on this picture.
Happily eating chips and watching Einstein in the way home.
What a good mommy! You even had comfy pjs for her!! How sweet:)
AMAZING! I am so glad that all seemed to go well. The sad thing about peanuts is that probably includes peanut oil (like some chips are cooked in, all Chick-fil-A products, you know, lots of good things!) But, if that's what can solve the eczema dilemma, that would be AWESOME! Will be praying for the results. Take care, t
What an amazing little girl! Glad that you got some answers and that Savannah will be doing better! I will definely keep praying for her and you.
what a sweetheart. we still will pray for her. Thank the Lord He answers prayer.
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