Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentine's Day Party

Remember in elementary school when you had to make little valentines to pass out at school? You got to school and everyone had a bag on the back of their chair, and you dropped one in? Well, we decided that our kids needed that, too. So, we had a homeschool/gymnastics Valentine Party. The kids decorated their Valentine's Bags, played Valentine's Bingo, ate heart shaped ham and cheese sandwiches, and beautiful cupcakes. They exchanged Valentines and I'm sure will be on a sugar high for many days to come.

Our beautiful cupcakes made by our in house professional decorator, Sarah Shine.

Axie and Savannah enjoying the "little kids table" and their cupcakes

Savannah taking a big bite (I made her change shirts for the cupcake part)

Emily and her cupcake!

Axie and Savannah decorating their bags.

The big kids decorating.

Our crew: Back row L-R: Mason, Jill, Kara
Front Row: Emma, Emily, Bradey, Savannah (note: Savannah is drinking the punch...although by her expression, it looks a little on the strong side.)


Shannon said...

Yay! What fun! :)

Ben and Kristi Yefremov said...

How fun! I remember decorating the bags in elementary school too. It was so much fun! I made cupcakes for Andrew's class today and they didn't look half as good as yours!!!

AmyLovesDavid said...

What homeschool curriculum have you decided to use? Have you tried any others? I've just ordered a Nursery School Curriculum for Elizabeth & look forward to getting started...when things slow down with my neck & all. (See Facebook)