Monday, April 27, 2009


Ok, so I have this friend named Kalli who is the most fashionable person I know...well...maybe my friend Flor, but they're good friends, so there you go...two birds of a feather and all that. Anyway, she is SO cute...cute haircut, cute get the idea. The one thing that she always has is a cute purse. Anyway, my point is this, she knows fashion....not in a materialistic way, because she isn't materialistic at ALL. She is the sweetest, most generous person you could meet, but she just knows what's cute!! So she told me once that only really skinny people were supposed to carry little purses. If you're not a skinny minny, you're supposed to carry a large purse. Ok..I can do that. I found a purse (ok, it wasn't really a purse, it was on clearance at Target as a diaper bag, but don't tell) that was big, and cute, and I was going to be cute.

I HATE THAT PURSE!! I have missed more calls because I can't find my cell phone in the bottom of the abyss. I pulled 5 receipts and a diaper out of my "purse" at Target tonight before I found the correct receipt to give the guy at customer service who was looking at me like I had lost my mind! Anyway. I will continue to carry the purse, because it's cute, but the point of this blog is what I came across when I emptied the purse. THIS is what was in that thing.

Can you believe that? Yes, that is a diaper, a DVD and a swimsuit in that pile of receipts, post it notes, lotion and gum. Does anyone else have this problem? Or can you reach in and pull your cell phone out before the first ring has stopped??

Ok, on another note. Emily is having her first sleep over tonight with afore mentioned Kalli (well, really her daughter, Jill, but you get my drift). She was a little nervous...mommy was nervous, and Savannah had to be put to bed in my bed. :)

I am taking Savannah to Oklahoma City tomorrow for her follow up with her allergist. They are going to take blood for more allergy testing. They tried that last time, and couldn't get any. Pray for us as we travel, and that the techs will be able to get blood from her. I'll post later with the results!!


Kristen said...

Ha ha. Your purse, er, I mean diaper bag, er, no I mean purse...anyways that story is funny. I can't say I have that problem too much. I always keep one separate pocket of the diaper bag that is designated completely to my cell phone and my wallet, so it's always one zip and easy grab without fishing through everything else.

I'll be praying and looking for your update about the allergy results! I sure hope they are able to take her blood easily and painlessly.

Ben and Kristi Yefremov said...

Cute post!!!! I needed a good laugh this morning :) That mess would drive me crazy, you remember how I was when we lived in the dorm room, everything has its place!!! In my purse, I have my wallet and a small makeup bag that holds essential on the go makeup and then a zip pocket with, well you know whats in there, and then a pocket on the side with the cell phone, gum & pen, and then 1 other pocket with my coupons, very organized! Hope your doctors visit goes well today! Love Ya!!!!