Wednesday, June 3, 2009

More Beach News

We are having SO much fun here at the beach. Emily got a little dehydrated yesterday...ok, a lot dehydrated...who is her mother, anyway? Last night wasn't too fun for her, but she is much better today. I can't believe it's Wednesday already. Why does time go SO fast when you're on vacation? It's not fair. Who said life was fair...yadda yadda.

Keren came down last night and spent the night with us, and most of today. It was good to see her and get to spend a little time with her since we won't be in Goldsboro that much this trip. Here are some more pictures...just so ya'll can be jealous. haha

Keren and the girls playing on the beach!

Papa brought something to roast marshmallows on. He thinks of everything!

Emily loves the water.

A wise woman once told me...Mom's don't get vacations, they just take their show on the road. :)

Everyone has laughed at me for taking this picture, but seriously, have you ever seen so much goodness all at once. ha ha

Brian cooking ribs


Tracy said...

Okay, you have succeeded in making me jealous once again. So glad you guys are having a wonderful time. I miss you! When are you coming home? Enjoy the rest of your time.

Shannon said...

Aww, great pictures! I'm glad y'all are having such a good time. :)

Ben and Kristi Yefremov said...

Fun times! Glad that you are having a great vacation! We leave on Thursday for Cancun! Can't wait. :0)

AmyLovesDavid said...

Welcome Home, Brian! I just can't believe how much your girls have grown up, Jenn--and Savannah? Brian's Mini Me? Oh my soul...she's not looking like a little baby anymore! Her hair has gotten so long! And your Mini-Me? She is adorable! You are blessed. Give your family & especially your mom & dad a big hug for me!