Friday, February 5, 2010

Savannah's Surgery

I sit here and blog only because it makes me think I'm doing something productive while I sit. I'm so sleepy!! I thought I'd catch ya'll up on what's going on with Savannah.

Last October (I promise this isn't going to be a 4 month long story), when the girls and I returned from Washington, we all spent the night in a hotel in Dallas. Man that was a nice hotel.....anyway..... Brian came in later than the rest of us (after watching the Razorbacks slaughter the Aggies) and we were talking when we heard a choking sound. We looked over at Savannah and noticed that she was going a couple seconds without breathing! It was scary! I looked at her tonsils a couple days later, and saw that they touched!!

Ok...long story, LOTS of Doctors (some stupid) later, she is scheduled to have her tonsils and adenoids taken out on Monday morning. Her tonsil size, and sleep apnea are the reason the Dr thinks she needs them removed.

Today was her pre-op. We had to be in Lawton (about an hour away) at 8:00 this morning. It was early!! Dr. McGath looked at her, answered all questions, I filled out lots of paperwork, and they sent us over to the hospital to have her blood drawn. They need to make sure her blood clots well, and that her counts are all ok for surgery.

I was NOT looking forward to this part of the appointment. Savannah has horrible veins. She comes by it justly. I have horrible veins, as my father does, also. I told them she was a very hard stick, and she would need the most capable person to do it. FIVE sticks, 3 phlebotomists, and 1 hour later, Savannah was sweating, I was sweating, Savannah was crying, I was crying (not in front of her, of course), and they still didn't have any blood. They used a Venoscope (aka vein finder) to find a vein and still couldn't see one. I called her Dr and tried to see if they could give her something to calm her down. They discussed sedating her, but in order to sedate her, they would have to give her an IV, and if they could get an IV, then they would be able to get blood. So, an ER nurse came in, and told me she wanted to try one more time. I stayed in the lobby this time, and quietly cried (I'm sure the old lady in there thought I was crazy!!) while I listened to her scream in the back room. But...about 5 minutes later, she came out cradling Savannah in her arms. They got it!!!!

They've assured me that before they have to put an IV in her on Monday, they're going to give her Valium...well, whatever the child form of Valium is and that she'll be "out" before they try.

My mom flies in tomorrow (YAY!!) to be with us and help me take care of Vannah. I'm so excited for her to be here. Pray for us!

OK...I can't kid myself anymore...I have to get back to work.


Kacey Bode said...

Ha ha, I just left a long comment on your Facebook. You answered my questions : ) Savannah will do GREAT, and you will get through it!! I'll be praying for you both! Love ya.

Shannon said...

I was thinking (and probably this has already crossed your mind, but I'm detached from the situation and slow)... :) Maybe this will help with Van sleeping at night? I mean, if she's not breathing/choking/not sleeping soundly, that might be why she has a hard time sleeping all night.

Okay. Love you! Praying for her and you tomorrow!! Post something somewhere when she's done! She'll do great (and so will you)!