Monday, February 8, 2010

Savannah's Surgery Part 2

Well, this morning was Savannah's surgery. We had to get up at 4:30 to get ready to go. It was an early morning after a late Superbowl night. She was pretty happy on the way to the Surgery Center. She was hungry, but didn't seem too put off by my answer that she had to see the doctor first.

We got there, and we got her changed into her hospital gown. She was pretty happy. Then they gave her the "loopy" medicine....then she got REALLY happy. It was so funny. I was wanting them to give me Valium, but just watching her put her finger up in the air and say (after much concentration) "ONE!" made us laugh and relax. She went with the nurse with no problems.

Brian and I waited in the waiting room, and about 45 minutes after they started, the Doctor came out and told us they were all done. He said she did great. Hardly any bleeding. He said her adenoids were really large, so it was good we had them taken out. I asked about the IV, and he said they had a hard time finding a place (7 sticks, in fact), but finally were able to get it started in her foot. Thankfully, she was completely asleep for all that.

They came and got me soon, and I went back. I could hear her crying before I got back there. She sounded terrible!! Very wasn't pleasant. They told me that they had to give her medicine to reverse the anesthesia because they were having a hard time waking her up. She did not want to wake up. They let us go after about an hour, and we came home!

When we first got home, she was very grumpy and sleepy. She took a little nap, and is now acting great. Miss Sarah brought her a present, and it was like a switch turned on. She is so happy! She's eating Popsicles and ice, and is doing ok!

We'll see how it goes!!!!


Kristen said...

Oh what a good feeling it is to have such a surgery behind ya all. Savannah looks so great! I'm glad she's enjoying the Popsicles.

Shannon said...

I'm so glad it all went so well (and that at least she was asleep for all the IV attempts.) Ian had a really hard time waking up after his hernia surgery...they had to give him special meds too and oxygen because his O2 sats kept dropping; I remember worrying about all that at the time, but now it all seems so long ago! I'm still praying for her and you, and will continue over these next few days of recovery! Yay for popsicles!

Kacey Bode said...

Hooray, I'm so glad everything turned out well!! She looks great : ) Hope she stays feeling good!! Give her a kiss for me!

Love you guys.