HELP ME you Internet savvy people!! I have a little bear named Snowball. Hi Snowball! My problem is that he belongs to my eldest. However, my youngest wants him so badly!! I have looked at Beanie Baby websites, Build a Bear websites and Ebay until I'm blue in the face. The tag is so worn that I can't see anything on it. I have no idea where we got it!! I have tried to buy something that was similar, and it didn't fly. I know you mom's have had this experience with your kids! It is white and fuzzy and the body feels.....beanie. If any of you can find this on a website, I would be forever indebted to you!!!

Sorry Jen, I've never seen a bear like that, but it is cute. Thankfully, Andrew hasn't become attached to anything yet!
How long have you had this bear? I remember buying a stuffed animal for Emily when we were in Alaska once, is it possible that this bear used to have a shirt that said Alaska? That's my best guess!
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