Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I Love This Place

When Brian and I were on our way up here from NC, we were traveling in separate cars, and he radioed (we had walkie talkies) me and said, "Turn your radio on 94.1! They're gonna say my name!" I turned it over, heard that it was ESPN Radio and they were announcing winners of Tides baseball tickets. And he won! We got 4 tickets to the Norfolk Tides baseball game. It was a beautiful night, and we had SO much fun.

There is so much to do here, and we love love LOVE it!!! Here are some pics from the baseball game.

They had several little skits put on by these over sized animals. The girls loved it.

Look at those eyes. :)

That hat once held french fries. Silly girl.

Cotton candy...the best part.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I lauged when I read "walkie talkies". We've used ours every move. I think those are a staple for every military family lol. I'm glad you guys are enjoying your move. Looks like a lot of fun