Thursday, September 30, 2010


I really need to pull my camera out and have it handy. I never remember to take pictures. Thankfully, Melanie takes a lot (a LOT ha ha) of pictures. She and the kids came to visit a couple weeks ago for their first visit of the fall. They'll be back soon. It was so fun to have playmates for the girls. As usual, one of the kids got sick (Emily this time...we have never visited each other without one of the kids getting sick), but it wasn't too bad. Here are some pictures from the fun at the beach we had.

My little blond beach bunny.

We told them they could go in the water "up to their ankles...hmmmm"

Yes, this was the 2nd day Emily was home from school sick. Shh, don't tell.

This look pretty much sums up what Noah thought of the beach. ha ha

Digging for treasure...or burying it or something. Who cares? Look at the position Callie is in!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

So pretty! I can barely remember the ocean...and it was the other ocean anyway. Looks like everyone had a fun time!